יו"ר הועדה המחלקתית לתארים מתקדמים

פרופ' מרים ריינר

בנין 410 חדר 48
    קורות חיים

    השכלה גבוהה

    • אוניברסיטת בלגרד, יוגוסלביה, תולדות האמנות, תואר ראשון
    • אוניברסיטת היידלברג, גרמניה, פקולטה למדעי היהדות ותולדות האמנות, לימודים לקראת תואר שני
    • האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים, ותולדות האמנות, תואר שני
    • האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים, ותולדות האמנות, תואר שלישי
    •  המכון הבינלאומי לחקר השואה, יד ושם, ירושלים, פוסטדוקטורט


    מקומות עבודה

    1996-   המגמה לאמנות יהודית, הפקולטה למדעי היהדות, אוניברסיטת בר-אילן

    2013-2010    החוג לתולדות האמנות, האוניברסיטה  העברית בירושלים

    2010-2000   מכון שכטר למדעי היהדות

    2000-1988   החוג לתולדות האמנות, האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים, בית ספר לתלמידי חו"ל ע"ש רוטברג, החוג לתולדות האמנות, האוניברסיטה העברית, רחובות.


    ניסיון מקצועי אחר :

      1982-81     עוזרת לאוצרת במוזיאון היהודי ההיסטורי בבלגרד, יוגוסלביה לשעבר

      1988-84      חוקרת במדור לתשמישי קדושה ובתי הכנסת, מרכז לאמנות יהודית, האוניברסיטה  העברית בירושלים

     1983-88   ראש המדור לאמנות יהודית מודרנית, מרכז לאמנות יהודית, האוניברסיטה העברית  בירושלים.


    2005 ואילך בין שלושה עורכים של כתב-עת:

    Ars Judaica, The Bar-Ilan Journal of Jewish Art.

    הרצאות לחוקרים ולקהל הרחב  בנושאי אמנות יהודית מודרנית במרכז זלמן שזר, יד ושם, בית התפוצות ויד בן צבי.


     מלגות, פרסים ומענקי מחקר


    2024-2025        Israel Science Foundation grant for the research workshop “European Encounters: East–West Discourse in Modern Jewish Art, Literature and Culture”

    2021-2024        Israel Science Foundation grant; Research topic: “A Fin-de-Siècle ‘Artist of the Ghetto’: Orientalization and Self-Orientalization of the East European ‘Jewish Art’“

    2012-2013        Israel Science Foundation grant for the research workshop "The Holocaust    in Yugoslavia: History, Memory and Culture – a Reappraisal," held at The International Institute for Holocaust Studies, Yad Vashem, June 24-28, 2013

    2011-2014       Israel Science Foundation grant, with Prof. Richard I. Cohen, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem; Research topic: "Samuel Hirszenberg (1865-1908) – A Polish-Jewish Artist Confronts the Ideological, Artistic, and Cultural Struggles of his Times"

    2008-2009         Distinguished Lecturer Prize, Bar Ilan University

    2007-2010         Israel Science Foundation grant, with Prof. Gershon Bacon, Bar-Ilan  University;  Research topic:" Jewish Artists from former Yugoslavia during the Era of Holocaust"

    2007-2008       Rothschild Foundation (Hanadiv) Europe – Jewish heritage grant with the Department of History of Art, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, Serbia

    2006-2007           Jewish Memorial Foundation

    1993-1996           The Council of Higher Education (VATAT)

    1992                      Mordecai Narkiss Prize for the Research in Jewish Art


    ארגון כנסים, ימי עיון, סדנאות וסמינרים מדעיים


    2024            Co-organizer of the colloquium “Art Creativity in the Wake of October 7, 2023”, March 6.

    2023            Co-organizer of the international colloquium “The Turn of the 1990s and its Impact upon the Study of Jewish Cultures and Art”, May 23-24.

    2020-22       Organizer of the weekly department seminars.

    2022            Co-organizer of the panels on Jewish Art for the 18th World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, August 8-11.

    2018-19      Organizer of the bi-weekly department seminars.

    2018           Co-organizer of the section "Southeast European Jewish History and Culture" for the European Association of Jewish Studies Conference, Krakow, July 15-19, 2018.

    2018           Co-organizer of the International Workshop “Art Patronage and Jewish Culture” to be held at the Bar-Ilan University, June 25-27, 2018.

    2017            Co-organizer of the mini-conference "Southeast European Jewish Studies", for the 17th World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, August 6-10, 2017.

    2017            Organizer of the panel "Orientalism, Orientalization and Self-Orientalization in Modern Art:  A Jewish Connection " for the 17th World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, August 6-10, 2017.

    2017            Co-organizer of the colloquium "Jews in Southeast Europe – the Case of Yugoslavia:  History, Society, Culture and Art," Bar-Ilan University, January 25, 2017.    

    2015            Co-organizer of the international conference "Constructing and   Deconstructing Jewish Art", Bar-Ilan University, September 7-9.

    2013-14         Organizer of the bi-weekly department seminars.

    2013              Organizer of the panel "Polish-Jewish Discourse: Modern Art and the Politics of    Representation" for the 16th World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, July 28- August 1       

    2013              Organizer of the international workshop "The Holocaust in Yugoslavia: History, Memory and Culture – a Reappraisal," The International Institute for Holocaust Studies, Yad Vashem, June 24-28

     2013             Co-organizer of the visit and seminar "The Russian Avant-Garde" offered by   Prof. John E. Bowlt and Prof. Nicoletta Misler, University of South California, at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, June 2-4

    2012              Co-organizer of "Ars Judaica" Conference: Traditions and Perspectives in      History of Jewish Art, Bar-Ilan University, September 10-13

     2009              Co-organizer of the panel "Sephardic Visual Culture" for the 15th World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, August 2-6

     2009             Co-organizer of the panel "Painting in Eastern European Synagogues," a special session, 15th World Congress of Jewish Studies Studies, Jerusalem, August 2-6

    2009              Co-organizer of "Masquerade in Stone: Synagogue Architecture in Search of Jewish Identity," a colloquium on occasion of the publication of The Great Synagogue of Budapest, by Prof. Rudolf Klein,  the Department of Jewish Art at Bar-Ilan University and The Center for Research of Jewish Visual Culture in Europe, May 21

    2008              Co-organizer   of "The Jewish Presence in Art", the International Conference   on Jewish Art, at Bar-Ilan University, June 16-18

    2008              Organizer of the two weeks long international workshops on "Jewish Art and      Tradition" in the Department of History of Art, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, Serbia (February 2008, 2009 and 2010)


    הרצאות בכנסים מדעיים

    2023  “Orientalization of the “Ostjude”: Nostalgia, Romanticism and Modernity in the Work of Artur Markowicz (1872-1934)”: Twelfth EAJS Congress “Branching Out: Diversity of Jewish Studies”, Goethe University, Frankfurt, July 16-20.

    2022  “Orientalization of the East European Jewish ‘Artist of the Ghetto’: The Case of Lazar Krestin (1868-1938)”, World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem,  August 8-11.

    2022  “A Swan Song for the Jewish Avant-Garde:  Chagall’s Illustrations for the Journal Khalyastre, 1922-24”, international conference “The Avant-Garde in Yiddish Culture: The 100th Anniversary of Khalyastre”, Bar-Ilan University, June 14-15.

    2022   “Adolf Weiller’s “Martyrdom” Cycle – Official and Unofficial Holocaust Art in Socialist Yugoslavia”, international conference “Art of the Holocaust until 1989: Beyond an East/West Divide” Central European University (CEU) Jewish Studies Program, Budapest, June 8-10.

    2022  “Polish Jewish Artists in Munich: Maurycy Gottlieb (1856-1879) and Samuel Hirszenberg (1865-1908) in Search of an Identity”; Conference Un/Sichtbarkeit. Die polnische Kunst(geschichte) und Deutschland – In/Visibility. Polish Art (History) and Germany, Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte München, Munich April 6-8.

    2021  “Maurycy Gottlieb at the 1873 Vienna World’s Fair: A Polish Jewish Artist in Search of an Oriental Identity”, international conference, “Expanding Islamic Art Historiography: The 1873 Vienna World’s Fair” Department of Art History, University of Vienna, November 18-20.

    2021    “Art and National Identity in a Stateless Condition: The Case of Poles and Jews in Fin-de-Siècle Europe”, International Conference “Art and the State in Modern Central Europe (18th-21st Century) University of Zagreb, June 30-July 3.

    "תערוכות וגזענות: המקרה של זאגרב, סרייבו ובלגרד" הכנס השלישי     2020

    בנושא "שואה וג'נוסייד בין ביולוגיה לתרבות", המחלקות להיסטוריה כללית וספרות משווה בפקולטה למדעי הרוח, אוניברסיטת בר-אילן,24 במרץ 2020

    2019     “Sarajevo's Jewish Intellectuals and the Collegium Artisticum”, International Conference “Jewish Literatures and Cultures in Southeastern Europe”,  Center for Jewish Studies, University of Graz, September 16-18.

    2018     “World War II and the Refugee Art of Bora Baruh, Adolph Weiller, and Ivan Rein”, the European Association of Jewish Studies Conference, Krakow, July 15-19, 2018.

    2018    with Richard I. Cohen, “Hirszenbergs’ Patrons”, Art Patronage and Jewish Culture – International Workshop, Bar-Ilan University, June 25-27.

    2018      "אמנות פליטים – איוון ריין בקרליביצה-פורטו רה, קרואטיה, 1942", שואה וג'נוסייד: בין הייחודי למשוטף, יום עיון, אוניברסיטת בר-אילן, 8 באפריל 2018.

    2018           “Modern Jewish Visual Expression in Eastern Europe: Between Nationalism and Universalism,” Graven Images: Judaism and Art, lecture series 2017-2018 organized by Zentrum Jüdische Stuien Berlin-Brandenburg and Jüdisches Museum, Berlin, February 1, 2018.

    2017   " דימוי של  היהודי הנודד כ"אחר" – בין סקרנות לשנאה",  אתגר המאבק באנטישמיות – מבט בינלאומי, כינוס,  אוניברסיטת בר-אילן, 16 בינואר 2017.

    2017           "From Oriental Universalism to Jewish Self-Orientalization: Maurycy Gottlieb's and Samuel Hirszenberg's Evolving Identities", The 17th World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, August 6-10, 2017.

    2016          "To be Sephardic, Zionist and Yugoslav – The Threefold Loyalty of Sarajevo Artist Daniel Kabiljo", international conference Contesting Jewish Loyalties: The First World War and Beyond, Center for German-Jewish Studies, University of Sussex and Jewish Museum Berlin, W. Michael Blumenthal Academy, Berlin, 15-17 December 2016.

    2015          with Richard I. Cohen, "The Cultural Reception of Samuel Hirszenberg's Galut  (1904-2014)", international conference Hirszenberg Brothers – in Search of the Promised Land , The Museum of the City of Lodz, Lodz, Poland, October 24-25, 2015.

    2015          "The Non-Jewish Jewish Artist: Revisiting 'Jewish Identity in Modern Art," Constructing and Deconstructing Jewish Art, international conference, Bar-Ilan University, September 7-9, 2015.

    2015         "A Turbaned German of Mosaic Faith: Moritz Daniel Oppenheim's Visual Self-Orientalization,"Colonialism, Orienatlism and the Jews – Jewish Self-Orientalization international workshop, Institute of Jewish Studies, University of Antwerpen, Belgium, June 24-26, 2015

    2015        " Sarajevo's Jewish Intellectuals and the Collegium Artisticum" The Avant-Garde and the Jews, international conference, Institute of Jewish Studies, University of Antwerpen, Belgium, February 2-4, 20152013           "Moša Pijade's Fluctuating Identities: from Sephardic Jew, to Serbian Artist, to  Yugoslav Communist Leader" 16th World Congress of Jewish Studies, The  Hebrew University of Jerusalem, July 28-August 1

    2013           with Richard I. Cohen, "Invoking Samuel Hirszenberg's Artistic Legacy", International Conference "Memory and Journey. Dimensions of Israeli and Jewish Art,"  Dusseldorf, Germany, July 1-3, 2013

    2013           "Art in the Camps: Witnessing or preserving one's Identity? Case Study: Daniel Ozmo's art created in Jasenovac" the international research workshop The Holocaust in Yugoslavia: History, Memory and Culture – a Reappraisal, at  The International Institute for Holocaust Studies, Yad Vashem, June 24-28, 2013

    2012          with Richard I. Cohen, "Wandalin Strzałecki's Song on the Destruction of Jerusalem (Pieśń o zburzeniu Jerozolimy): A Homage to Gottlieb and Poland," Traditions and Perspectives in History of Jewish Art, Bar-Ilan University, Israel, September 10–12, 2012

    2012          "Chagall's Multiple Identities: Jewish, Russian, Artist's," guest lecturer at the symposium Chagall and Israel, Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum, Madrid,  May 9, 2012

    2011            "From the Shtetl (1939-1946) to the Flowers of Auschwitz (1945-46) and Back:    The Creation, Reception and Destiny of Zinovii Tolkachev's Art," The Images of Rupture between the East and the West: the Iconography of Auschwitz and Hiroshima in the Arts and Literature of the Eastern Europe, International  Symposium held and Slavic Institute and the Seminar for Eastern European History of the Heidelberg University, Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg, May 26-29, 2011.

    2009           "Between Local and Universal: Sephardic Artists in Sarajevo on the Eve of the Holocaust," 15th World Congress of Jewish Studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

    2009          "Johanna Lutzer: a Viennese artist, Jewish refugee, Tito's partisan and an immigrant to Palestine,"  Beyond Camps and Forced Labor, Current  International Research on Survivors of Nazi Persecution, The Internationa Multidisciplinary Conference at the Imperial War Museum, London, January 7-9,  2009.

    2008           "The Memory of Jewish Life and Tradition as Preserved in Holocaust Art:  the Drawings of Adolf Weiller, a Jewish Artist from Croatia," The Jewish Presence In Art, Bar-Ilan University, June 16-18, 2008.

    2007          "Chagall's 1909-1910 Pictures of Couples," 17th International Chagall Conference, The Marc Chagall Center, Vitebsk, Belorussia, Oct. 12-15, 2007.

    2007         Eastern European Pogrom and Expulsion Scenes as a Model for Depicting Holocaust Events: the Art of Adolf Weiller, a Jewish Painter from Croatia," The Jews, the Arts, and the Scholarship: Production and Reception, British Association for Jewish Studies (BAJS) Conference, London, July 11-13, 2007.

    2007         "The Iconography of the Holy Family in Chagall's 1909-1910 Works" Jewish and Christian  Perspectivs: Isolation, Independence, Syncretism and Dialogue -Models of Interaction between Judaism and Christianity in Past and Present,  International Symposium, Catholic Theological University of Utrecht, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan and the Schechter  Institute for Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, January  21-24, 2007.

    2006        "The Art of a Sephardic Artist Created during the Holocaust: Daniel Ozmo's Dalmatian Motifs Painted in Jasenovac," 6th International Conference Social and Cultural History of  the Jews on the Eastern Adriatic Coast: The Jews and the Sea, with the co-operation of The Moshe David Gaon Center for  Ladino Culture, Dubrovnik, Croatia.

    2006       "Chagall in Love," The European Association for Jewish Studies Congress, Moscow, July 23-27, 2006.

    2005       "Be Fruitful and Multiply: Love, Sex, Marriage and Childbirth in Chagall's Early Works," 14th World Congress of Jewish Studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

    2005        "The Influence of Mikhail Vrubel upon Early Works of Marc Chagall,"  International Conference on Russian Jewish Cultural Exchange in the  20th Century, Bar-Ilan University.

    2004         "Music and Theater in the Works of Marc Chagall between 1908 and     1910," 14th International Chagall Conference, The Marc Chagall Center, Vitebsk, Beloruss.

    2002         "Life as Theater: the Influence of Stage Design on Chagall's 1908-1910 Works," European Association for Jewish Studies, 7th Congress, Amsterdam.

    2001         "Chagall's Fiddler," 13th World Congress of Jewish Studies, The Hebrew     University of Jerusalem.

    1999         "The Chapter 'Lech-Lecha' and its Interpretation in the Works of the Modern East-European Jewish Artists," The Sixth International Seminar on Jewish Art, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

    1997         "Jewish artists in Russia: The Search for National Identity, the Struggle for      Equality," The Emancipation and Jewish Artists; A Comparative European Perspective Seminar, International Symposium, The Royal Academy of Arts and  Sciences, the Committee for History and Culture of the Jews in Holland, Amsterdam.

    1997         "Chagall's 'Dead Man'," 12th World Congress of Jewish Studies, The Hebrew  University of Jerusalem.

    1993         "Chagall: the Artist and the Poet," The Fourth International Seminar on Jewish Art, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

    1993         "Chagall and Russian Futurism: The One-and-a-half-eyed Archer," 11th World   Congress of Jewish Studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

    1991         "Leonid Pasternak as a Jewish Artist," The Third International Seminar Jewish Art, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

    1989         "Leon Bakst's Jewish Dancer," 10th World Congress of Jewish Studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

    1988         "Antokolsky, Stasov, Ginzburg - Awakening of Jewish National Art in Russia" The Second International Seminar on Jewish Art, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.



    • אמנות מודרנית
    • אמנות רוסית מודרנית
    • אמנות יהודית בעידן המודרני
    • יצירתו מוקדמת של מארק שאגאל
    • יצירתם של אמנים יהודים במזרח מרכז ודרום-מזרח אירופה
    • אמנות בתקופת השואה.


    • אסכולת פריז ואמנים יהודים, 1905-1945
    • אמנות בתפוצות: אמנים רוסים ואמנים יהודים רוסים מהגרים פוגשים את מערב
    • ברלין, 1912-1933: המערב פוגש את המזרח
    • מארק שאגאל: אמן יהודי בין מזרח למערב
    • אמנות מודרנית, יהודים ושאלות של זהות
    • זהות יהודית ואמנות מודרנית: ממתן זכויות עד לעלית הנאציזם
    • עיצוב במה בתיאטרון היהודי האוונגרדי
    • דמותו של היהודי הנודד באמנות, ספרות ופולקלור
    • האמנות והאדריכלות כאמצעי לשיקום והנצחה יהודית במחצית שנייה של  המאה ה-20
    • אמנות, שואה וזיכרון: האוספים הנסתרים בישראל
    • אמנות בתקופת השואה: רודפים, קורבנות, ופליטים
    • אקספרסיוניזם
    • דאדא וסוריאליזם
    • פיקסו ולידת הקוביזם
    • אמנות מופשטת
    • אימפרסיוניזם
    • ון גוך וגוגן
    • אמנות רוסית מודרנית ואוונגרדית
    • מבוא לאמנות מודרנית
    • מבוא לאמנות יהודית, המאה ה-19 וראשית המאה ה-20
    • מבוא לניתוח יצירות אמנות


    1. with Richard Cohen, A Polish Jewish Artist in Turmoil: Samuel Hirszenberg (1865—1908), The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2022).

    2.  Fragile Images: Jews and Art in Yugoslavia, 1918-1945 (Leiden: Brill, 2019).


    Edited volumes

    3. with Katja Smid, Crossing Borders: Identity, Gender, and Memory in Southeast European Jewish Milieu, European Journal of Jewish Studies, special issue, May 2023.


    Book chapters and articles in edited volumes

    4. “Orientalization of the East European Jewish ‘Artist of the Ghetto’: The Case of Lazar Krestin (1868-1938),” Welcoming Visuality: New Studies in Jewish Art and Material Culture, edited by Vladimir Levin, Sharon Liberman Mintz, Rina Talgam. (Leiden: Brill, 2024), 20 pp. (Forthcoming).

    5. “Il Kal Grandi - Sarajevo's Great Sephardic Temple: At the Crossroads Between Orient and Modernity”, Jewish Literatures and Cultures in Southeastern Europe - Experiences, Positions, Memories; eds. Renate Hansen-Kokoruš and Olaf Terpitz (Wien-Koln: Bohlau Verlag, 2021) 175-196.

    6. “The Orient in Jewish Artistic Creativity: The Case of Maurycy Gottlieb’s Self-Portrait in Arab Dress,” in Richard Cohen ed., Place in Modern Jewish Culture and Society, Studies in Contemporary Jewry, 30 (2018): 129-162.

    7. “A Turbaned German of Mosaic Faith: Moritz Daniel Oppenheim’s Visual Self-Orientalization,” Ulrike Brunotte et al. eds., Internal Outsiders - Imagined Orientals? Antisemitism, Colonialism and Modern Constructions of Jewish Identity (Würzburg: Ergon Verlag, 2017), pp. 73-83, 224-230.

    8. with Richard I. Cohen, “Samuel Hirszenberg's First Steps as an Artist and His Revealing Sketchbook” in Adam Klimczak et al, ed., Hirszenberg Brothers in Search of the Promised Land: Studies and Materials (City Museum Lodz and Jewish Historical Institute Emanuel Ringelblum, Lodz-Warsaw, 2017), pp. 320-347.

    9. “From the Shtetl to the Flowers of Auschwitz and Back: The Creation, Reception and Destiny of Zinovii Tolkachev's Art” In Urs Heftrich et.al, eds., Images of Rupture between East and West: The Perception of Auschwitz and Hiroshima in Eastern European Arts and Media (Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2016), pp. 155-185.

    10. “Zinovii Tolkatchev's Jesus in Majdanek: A Soviet Jewish Artist Confronting the Holocaust,” in Nathanael Riemer, Avidov Lipsker and Michał Szulc, eds., Jesus in den Juedischen Kulturen des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts / Jesus in the Jewish Cultures of the 19th and 20th Century, PaRDeS, Universitaetsverlag Potsdam, 21 (2015): 59-85 (English with German abstract).

    11. “Mané-Katz – the Years in Ukraina." In Tarshish, Noa ed., Mané- Katz, Ukraine, Paris, Eretz- Israel (Haifa: Mané-Katz Museum, 2011), 17-35 (Hebrew and English).

    12. “The Sources of Chagall's Neo-Primitivism,” Chagall and the Russian Avant-Garde, exhibition catalogue, Le Centre national d'art et de culture Georges Pompidou, Paris, March 2011, 23-29 (French).

    13. “The Iconography of the Holy Family in Chagall's 1909-1910 Works,” In Poorthius Marcel, Joshua Schwartz and Joseph Turner, eds., Interaction between Judaism and Christianity in History, Religion, Art and Literature, Jewish and Christian Perspectives Series, vol. 17 (Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, 2009), 495-507.



    Articles in Journals

    14. “The Pijade Brothers and the ‘Serbian Renaissance’", Jews and Slavs 27 (2021):445-470.

    15. “Visualizing the Past: The Role of Images in Fostering the Sephardic Identity of Sarajevo Jewry,” Sefarad (CSIC, Spain), 79:1 (2019): 265-295.

    16. with Richard I. Cohen, “Invoking Samuel Hirszenberg's Artistic Legacy—Encountering Exile,” Images 8 (2015): 46-65.

    17. with Richard I. Cohen, “Wandalin Strzałecki's Song of the Destruction of Jerusalem: A Homage to Maurycy Gottlieb and Poland,” Biuletyn Historii Sztuki (Bulletin of the History of Art), Art Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, 1-2 (July 2014): 83-112.

    18. with Richard I. Cohen “The Return of the Wandering Jew(s) in Samuel Hirszenberg's Art,” Ars Judaica, 7 (2011): 33-56.

    19. “The Continuity of 'Jewish Iconography': Images Depicting the Migration from Eastern Europe, Pogroms and Deportations as Models of Holocaust Art,” Legacy Journal of the International School for Holocaust Studies, Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, 4 (2011): 14-25.

    20. “Between Local and Universal: Daniel Kabiljo, a Sephardic Artist in Sarajevo on the Eve of the Holocaust,” El Prezente, 4 (December 2010): 233-254.

    21. “Adolf Weiller – an Attempt to Reconstruct a Jewish Artist's Biography,” Zbornik 9 (Belgrade: Jewish Historical Museum, 2009): 525-562 (Serbian with English summary).

    22. “Chagall’s ‘Jew in Bright Red’”, Ars Judaica 4 (2008): 61-80.

    23. “Music and Theater in the Works of Marc Chagall between 1908 and 1910,” Shagalovskii sbornik 3 (Vitebsk: Muzei Marka Shagala, 2008): 60-67 (Russian).

    24. “Marc Chagall's 1909 Female Portraits of Women” Nashim, A Journal of Jewish Women's Studies and Gender Issues 14 (2007): 131-159.

    25. "Chagall's 'Wedding', 1908-1909", Timorah, The Bar Ilan Journal of Jewish Art, special issue published in honor of the Bar Ilan University's 50th Anniversary, 2006, 151-162 (HEB).

    26. “Chagall’s Fiddler,” Ars Judaica 1 (2005): 117- 132.

    27. “The Events of 1905 in Chagall’s Early Works,” Jews in Russia and Eastern Europe, 2 (53) (Winter 2004): 33-57.

    28. “A Parokhet as a Picture: Chagall’s 1908-09 Prayer Desk,” Studia Rosenthaliana,

    37 (2004): 193-222.

    29. “Chagall: The Artist and the Poet,” Jewish Art, Eastern Europe, 21/22 (1996): 41-67.

    30. “Levitan’s ‘Jewish Graveyard,” The Israel Museum Journal, 12 (Summer 1994): 29-34.

    31. “The Awakening of Jewish National Art in Russia,” Jewish Art 16/17 (1990-91):98-121. 27.

    תאריך עדכון אחרון : 08/10/2024